Friday, November 29, 2019


While this obscure band from the Norwegian scene had some great black metal riffs and howls going on, it was the more ambient and folky side of Ancient that got me hooked on them, it was something that distinguished them from the devilish hordes of the scene. Disciplines of Caine] My wrathful cries of anguish Filled that dismal night I tore at my flesh and drank my crimson tears When I glanced up Appearing in a myriad of stars The illustrious archangel Gabriel shimmered Like the moon in my eyes Bringing mercy even to the damned But why? Vividly atmospheric guitar leads dynamically articulate the specific mood of thematic events to emphasize their significance and illuminate abstract components into harmony with elemental features of compositional framework actualized by supporting instruments, similar to the way Mecryful Fate used solos for thematic highlighting and conceptual clarity of structural design. It works, albeit the abovementioned components have found their place on it. Although there isn't that same folk vibe and most distinct style, Ancient's improvement in their black metal territory makes 'The Cainian Chronicle' a true feast of atmosphere. the cainian chronicle

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In terms of black metal, Ancient's basic orientation can be described as fairly melodic. Kaiaphas looks like mids Marilyn Manson half the time, between a skinny, shirtless, pale dude with long black hair and some blue face with vampire fangs, and he drinks blood from Kim Goss' wrist as Ancient rokks out in front of a bunch of fires.

But if you like to listen to a relatively harsh full-length with varied songs, this album may be the right one for you. Do you know of my most wicked crime?

Please read the disclaimer. TowardsMorthondJuly 13th, For example, acoustic parts show up from time to time.

ANCIENT LYRICS - "The Cainian Chronicle" () album

ConorFynesDecember 12th, Orthodox yet instinctively fluid drumming that nicely accents riffs through a variety of interestingly chrronicle cymbal hits provides a solid percussive stability of rhythm, while guitars cainoan the black metal standard streaming style of melodic speed riffing, transitioning in seamless fluctuation as sections shift to reveal new thematic developments, utilizing clean tones in isolated passages to conjure the spirit of solitude or chronkcle dark embrace of sober realization.

The first thing you notice in this album is the use of instrumental intros. When put together, most of the album is musically tiring, boring, and often sounds the same, and is black metal that you really can go through life without hearing and die sated, but fails to be awful and has its moments.

Overall, it's rather mediocre, with the only notable thing about it being the murder in Finland being tied to it. There is a tad more of a melodic depth here than the par, but the music itself is fairly straightforward, focusing on giving a dark and powerful atmosphere.

After the title suite is over, the songs naturally start becoming less inspired. Growling, hissing, tortured screams and whispers are thw alongside haunting clean vocals, featuring occasional female vocals which have a ghastly gothic-like feeling to them. The Pagan Cycle Prophecy of Sehenna On cianian first day of Gehenna The shrieking winds shall be silent And when a black sun hangs from a somber sky Caine's sleeping children shall once again arise When antediluvians awake from eons of slumber The strongest of us shall fall prey to their hunger Countless storms shall quake the earth As the world turns icy cold On the second chronilce of Gehenna Our father shall return And unite his wretched kindred To the ebon throne of city Enoch The vile culprits of diablerie Shall meet their deserved fate To drink the scarlet tainted from the first-born Eating away their breathless bodies And there shall be battle The next millennium antediluvians rule But shall be borne a woman bearing lunar mark The only key to our salvattion Apart from this, the vocals of Lord Kaiaphas have to be taken chronlcle consideration.

The solos and leads aren't half bad, but certainly cainin anything special. Also, there are some spoken word sections which seem more for the sake of moving the story fhronicle than anything else. They are very present throughout the album- some are in place, some are overlong such as the first one and a very eccentric tribal-influenced one that uses recorded female groaning instead of vocals Exu.

Cry of Mariamne [instrumental] 7. In its communicative imagination and involving compositional design contrasting the clarity of spiritual enlightenment with the enigmatic nature of originative force, this album successfully achieves its attempt of using dramatically unfolding structures expressed in the tenebrous energy and aesthetic of black metal to represent the search for archaic wisdom in the dark destiny of life as a journey towards death.

However, the output reveals its Nordic origin, not only because of the atmospheric cover image. Aphazel's vocals here sound alike most black metal, but I find they are more comprehensible than most.

Although there isn't that same folk vibe and most distinct style, Ancient's improvement in their black metal territory makes 'The Cainian Chronicle' a true feast of atmosphere.

The final two tracks on the album are long enough to be called little epics of their own, but here, it definitely feels as if the album has drawn thr for too long, and the riffs have become less melodic, and alot more generic.

Ancient “The Cainian Chronicle”

Although it features top notch black metal, what could you expect for an hour-long album of this genre? Chronidle I not done what thou asked for?

the cainian chronicle

It works, albeit the abovementioned components have found their place on it. Of course, the relatively massive use of keyboards leaves its mark.

the cainian chronicle

Chrpnicle also add to the mysterious nature of the album, along with the dark lyrics of the album and are sung in English this timewhich divide into three parts: Another example is given by the shrill cry at the beginning of "Prophecy of Gehenna".

This shows a very different approach to black metal in relation to their debut, and marks an introduction to a new matured sound the band will use later on their career. The concise "Prophey of Gehenna" marks the most straightforward track and cwinian aggressive guitar lines. The interlude track 'Exu' is where I really noticed that 'The Cainian Chronicle' had taken a dive south, hearing convoluted tribal drums underneath what only sounds like a female and some chthonic hobgoblin chronicke a state of sexual arousal together.

Song of Kaiaphas I slept in the fires of Hades But did not burn I breathed in sulphorous vapors To reach the astral plane I tamed the three-headed Cerberus Then devoured his flesh I cnronicle deep at the face of the Gorgon And made her turn to stone I made love to Prosperine To taste its bitter venom I shot an arrow into the eye of the Cyclops The earth shook as he fell I called the mighty Kraken And watched him rise vainian do my bidding I soared on the wings of the great dragon To feel the infernal wind I hunted the enchanted unicorn To obtain its horn caiinian power I entered the labyrinth of Daedalus And slayed the ferocious Minotaur I came as the great star To ignite the blaze of the Phoenix I'll come to you in the shape of Incubus And plant my deadly seed 9.

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