Sunday, December 1, 2019


Can you dump the firmware and share to me? Thanks cvs and anywhere for sharing the firmware files. Why do you want to crossflash? There are particular operating systems known to have problems with Plextor Px Lsa: Thus far my results have been consistent and it seems to be reporting all of the error types expected of a Lite-On. The only issue is that it reports many more errors PI in particular than its recent Lite-On predecessors. My hunch is that the OPU used is not the best, or maybe it is not being used to its best ability e. plextor px-l890sa firmware

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Just because a drive reports higher error rates than other drives it does not necessarily mean it is a better or worse scanner than another drive. Plextor Px Lsa File Name: Unfortunately there is no known way to dump it correctly at the moment.

Plextor PX-L890SA DVD Burner does not recognize

Installation Manager Success Stats: Same situation as with LiteOn drives of C and D revisions. Should be going easier.

plextor px-l890sa firmware

This option requires basic OS understanding. Plextor Px Lsa now has a special edition for these Windows versions: Thanks for the Information. Hi HM01, Can you dump the firmware and share to me?

Firmwaee a second scanning drive which is less good at reading discs can be very useful and informative. I think the second link was posted after I looked. Plextor Px Lsa O2.

plextor px-l890sa firmware

Ibex March 18, The PC is not connected to the Internet and this means a lot of work. Reasons for your score: I uploaded a copy here in case HM01 still needs it: Other drivers most commonly associated with Plextor Px Lsa problems: HM01 February 15,2: Plextor Px Lsa X2.

Please help us maintain a helpfull driver collection.

PLEXTOR DVDR PX-L890SA resources, firmwares and drivers

This would not be possible if I only used drives which are equally good readers. Just for updating the Firmware? This option requires no OS understanding. For example, on very good discs my Benqs report similar values to my Lite-Ons.

Plextor PX-LSA DVD Burner does not recognize - Microsoft Community

Plextor Px Lsa Download Stats: Unfortunately this drive is not listed at www. So if somebody is so nice it would be greatly appreciated.

Found the first dead link on that thread earlier. Plextor Px Lsa driver direct download was reported as adequate by a large percentage of our reporters, so plextir should be good to download and install.

Anyway, you can download the requested firmware from the following topic: Thus far my results have been consistent and it seems to be reporting all of the error types expected of a Lite-On. The only issue is that it reports ;x-l890sa more errors PI in particular than its recent Lite-On predecessors.

There are particular operating systems known to have problems with Plextor Px Lsa: But then again so do other highly regarded DVD scanners, such as the much loved Nexperia-based Benq drive. Plextor Px Lsa Z

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